Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Milton Friedman

I am nearing forty years old. Since the 1980's I've never doubted that I am Friedmanesque though, balancing, left-leaning. Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine has been a shock. The reason I state my tally of years is because I certainly had forgotten far too much, and I think it's because I knew too little.

Old Milt - satirised in some ways as the ubiquitous pseudo-scientific intellect in The Simpson - got a lot wrong. I believe his big error was regarding human behaviour. Though I do disagree with the Freakonomics crew because they factor out genetics (regarding who gets it bad when pollution is at large), I welcome they're near deconstructive working over of socio-economics.

Naturally The Shock Doctrine does handle well in a deconstructive analysis. However, it seems (the Doctrine, not the book) is only another religion amongst so many (as the former editor of Harper's remarked) produced so easily by persons in America.

Anyway I was pleased to to be assured that none of my ideas are hinged to the Doctrine.