Friday, 17 April 2009

Official Google Blog: YouTube Symphony Orchestra: from idea to reality

Official Google Blog: YouTube Symphony Orchestra: from idea to reality

Dairy Products from the Senate of Wales

I'm sure we can live with wild animals in such a way that they - given diversity protected - control their own numbers. Now is the time for the network of wildlife corridors to planned; because recession, stupid. Presently if a dairy is blaming badgers for a, granted aweful, TB infection, then the dairies concerned should pay for an investigation into how the cattle were infected. The scope of such being sabotage and lax regulations, or enforcement and veterinary practices, contributing to the problem. A cull is a risible reflex that would also be a mismanaged delight for the execution squads, who will reap the dividends especially from its foreseeable failure.
I'm avoiding the dairy's product presently. Calon Wen, I hope, is not involved in this nonsense from the gung-ho governers of Wales.