Friday, 30 April 2010

Stalkers Law

My accounts got hacked. Apparently he thinks he's like Mick Jagger.

Monday, 29 March 2010


Naturally the condition is given as invention of an authority figure trying to cover the tracks of being such. Hey, it's true to life because a cat saves the day.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

How to evaluate a politician?

Maybe. I've been reading a Fred Vargas novel - I like Adamsberg, he reminds me of myself, as does Columbo - and it occuredto me that criminal dissociation characteristics are a guage of politicians. The clue is the relationship they have with perfection, either they claim to be able to get it for us or, at least, promote themselves as very near it in their lives (no matter the self-deprecation). When you study their responses to responsibility an interesting parallel with this theory emerges.
I'm trying to steer clear of promoting any party, though I have an aversion to several that has reinforced of late.

Monday, 22 February 2010

new stuff

I've been preparing some fiction, merely as something to get feedback from, and for the exercise. ampmnovel