Thursday 20 March 2008

Far away, so close

I got hit - thru negligence - by a nasty program in the Ubuntu I use offline. So there went the first Rorty essay draft. rumour - confirmed by more than anecdote - makes it difficult to ascribe a single intention to the attack. A rarely act on a single reason myself.

Anyway I've wondered why I didn't feel comfortable with Yahoo, and now I know. The boss, a spirited guy to be sure, likes Sumo. My Sumerazure at Yahoo 360 will be largely abandoned, except for the excellent Launchcast which I'd like to bring in to my other spots on web. I should explain that HAN01 is my rogue sub-genius persona, and sure to bring bad-luck to any that assume it's identity. From here-on han01 will only appear from Any other han01 are not from this source, as many surely have not been.

Presently I am increasingly shocked by the UK governmemnt deportation policy, which (together with much else in policy) is not only repulsive cultural relativism at it's most right wing, but is also an indicator of the future that the UK population have surrendered to.
Similar fixation of peculiar reasoning is that of the pro-animal experimentation moves. Both courses are not being rejected by European courts (national or EU) so far. Such experiments are worthless acts of cruelty by a scientific tradition that should be defunct. My judgement is similar on the politicians -in the UK cabinet- who got that twisted idea that good for country is encouraging the production of things that fall short of what is needed.

yes, pollutants surely do incur left-handedness/ambidextrousness. I am right -handed, though I like to use my feet (now under exercised) and did teach my left hand to function as well as my right.

Later, adios.

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